On Wednesday September 14, 2005 at approximately 9:00 P.M my water broke. Let me back up a minute, it was an early day at work so I got home around 3:00 tired and hungry (I can remember it crystal clear as if it were yesterday). I walked in the door and lay on the couch for a nap, after two hours I awoke to find some yummy Chinese food that Glen had left for me in the refrigerator. After taken a couple of bites I amusingly called him to ask him if he was trying to put me into labor because the Chinese food was very spicy. It was four hours later that I noticed my water leaking (keeping in mind that my due date was not for another 19 days), I called Glen and he rushed home we grabbed our bags and off to South Seminole Regional Hospital we went. I was in no discomfort, I was not having any contractions, and I was in great spirits totally thinking this was a false alarm. NOPE….I was in fact in labor! Other than having none of Jillian’s clothes washed (Thanks Nanny and Poppa) Glen and I were emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared for the arrival of our little princess.
I was blessed with an easy and very uneventful pregnancy and delivery. I began getting contractions around 11:00 and at 4:56 A.M. on Thursday September 15, 2005 we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Jillian Grace Gause weighting in at a whopping 5lbs 6ozs. 19 inches long.
Check back tomorrow...Jillian and I will be spending her 3rd birthday at Aquatica.