Last week we meet up some friends for yet another fun day at Sea World. Let me apologize in advance for more SEA WORLD pictures...I just can't help myself ;-), this is our happy place we go there often. However this trip we were joined with not one but four of Jillians friends, so it was not just any regular day at Sea World it was special. Not to mention it was our good buddies Gavin and Mrs. Katy's first time at Sea World.
Jillian, Wyatt and Gavin.Jillian and Gavin ROCK'EN OUT!!!
Jillian is teaching Gavin all about the baby sting rays.
Jillian and Gavin planning out their next trip (or should I say date???),
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Happy 1/2 Birthday Jillian Grace!!!
Today Jillian is officially 3 1/2 years young. Most half-birthdays go unremarked, but they may still be celebrated as a special day and that's exactly what we do in our family (well at least for Jillian). So yesterday Jillian and I celebrated her half birthday at Aquatica. 

Happy 1/2 Birthday Jillian Grace!!! Mommy and Daddy love you very much 222-222