Jillian made sure that Santa had enough cookies and milk for his long journey.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas 2008
Let me first start out with a very heart felt apology for not sending out Christmas cards this year. Due to circumstances out of my control, unfortunately we were unable to get ourselves together....please know that we are thinking as well as wishing everyone the best Holiday season and a very happy and healthy 2009!!!
Jillian made sure that Santa had enough cookies and milk for his long journey.
Carrots and oatmeal for the reindeer.
Jillian woke up at her normal 6:30 time, she was super excited (to say the least). Glen and I asked Jillian to go downstairs to check to see if Santa had come yet. Eagerly she walked downstairs and came running back up yelling "Santa came, Santa came" jumping up and down and literally putting Glen and I out of bed. The look on her face was absolutely one that we will never forget, what a cool experiences for all three of us :-). 

I could not get Jillian to put down her pink dolphin to take a decent Christmas photo...can you tell she loves it? 
On December 26, we were fortunate to receive tickets from our bestest ( I know it's not a word, however when it comes to Tia Tia Martha one MUST make exceptions!!!) friend Tia Tia Martha for Universal Studios and Island of Adventures. We love you Tia Tia Mar-fa ;-)
This ones for you Reeder Baby!!!
Do you like green eggs and ham...Sam I Am? 

Heading on the woody wood pecker roller coaster for the third (not final) time. 

What a super fun Christmas gift....many many thanks Tia Tia Martha.
Jillian made sure that Santa had enough cookies and milk for his long journey.