We really enjoyed spending time with Amanda and Austin, I was almost in tears taken this picture. Amanda is such a good person with such a big heart, Glen and I were so honored when Amanda agreed to be Jillian's God-Mother.

The parade really put us in the Christmas sprite so after lunch we headed out to pick up our Christmas tree. I let Jillian do all the work, she picked the most perfect tree...good job baby-girl. 
She got the biggest kick that the man put the tree on top of the car....she asked me to take this picture. Do you think she is getting use to having the camera around? Naaa we got a couple more years for that right ladies? I think I have become the crazy Mother that always has her camera out.
This one's for you honey! LOVE YOU and try to stay warm.
Me and Wyatt Houston (the funniest kid with the most infectious laugh one will ever encounter).
Presenting Preston, Sarah, Wyatt, Gavin, and Jillian Grace....friends since at least 3 Months old.
Mrs. Katy helping Jillian with her craft work.
Today, we got to decorate the tree. What an incredibly cool feeling it was to see how much Jillian is truly getting and understanding the holidays this year....SO MUCH FUN!