The rhinoceros were very active, walking and playing in the water. Jillian got a big kick out of watching them interact with each other. There were three of them, so Jillian picked one as the Momma, one as the daddy and the smaller of the three as herself Jillian Grace, she kept saying "there a family, just like us." VERY CUTE!Jillian loved watching the river Otters, this is where we spent most of our time...we could not get her to move along.
Love this much personality!
Jillian's new trick...she loves to wink!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Brevard Zoo / Science Center
Sunday we took Jillian to the Brevard Zoo. The Giraffes were not out, but we still managed to have fun and be silly.
In order to beat the heat here in Florida, we spend most of our days either in the pool or inside where it is nice an air conditioned. So yesterday we took the Crofton girls (Katy and Rachel) to the Orlando Science Center, for 5 long (but fun filled) hours.