Friday, January 25, 2008
Best friends...
Jillian and our 3 1/2 year old Boston Terrier Wilbur have become the very best of friends. When referring to her family, Jillian says “Mommy, Daddy, Jillian Grace and Wilbur”. Wilbur is definitely been considered a part of our family since the day we brought him home. Jillian loves to feed him, walk him, hold him in her lap, help to give him baths and of course give him his treats. Before giving Wilbur his treats her takes the treat into the living room, tells him to sit and then roll over, then and only then will she give him is treat. If you ask Jillian what her job/ responsibilities are she will tell you that her job is to let Wilbur out of his crate in the morning. Jillian also enjoys having Wilbur go on wagon rides with her; she loves to include him in all actives, including tea parites and barbies. We have become quite the regulars at the doggie park on the week-ends. Jillian and Wilbur have definitely become the best of friends, and we couldn't be more pleased :-).